Keep Slim Exercises

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Exercise one

1. Stand erect, feet together, arms outstretched, shoulders back, heads up
2. Keeping back straight and head up, bring arms back to hips and bend knees. Stand erect.

Exercise two

1. Lie face down on the floor, arms behind back hands held loosely together. Relax.
2. Stretch arms and lift legs and head at the same time. Relax.

Exercise three

1. Lie on the floor on your back with arms at your side, legs straight out. Relax.
2. Keeping legs together, lift them in the air until they are at right angles to your body. Keep head and back on floor all the time. Relax slowly, lowering legs, still together, until they are straight out on the floor.

Exercise four

From the starting position for Exercise three, raise legs again, but this time swing them right over your head until your toes touch the flour behind your head. Keep your hands at your side.

Exercise five

1. Lie in the floor, legs together in the air, hands supporting hips, and feet pointing to the ceiling.
2. Move hands from hips, and place them flat on the floor. At the same time start pedalling in the air with your legs.

Exercise six

1. Lie on the floor with your knees drawn up to your chest, hands clasped around your knees.
2. Keeping tightly rolled, rock from side to side.

Exercise seven

Stand erect, head up, shoulders back, legs apart. Bend arms, hands on shoulders. Put elbows back as far as possible. Relax and repeat.

Exercise eight

Stand tall, legs apart. Stretch arms above head, and clasp hands lightly together. Bend sideways, first to right and then to left, keeping back straight.

Exercise nine

1. Stand tall, legs apart. Raise arms until they are level with your shoulders. Press back, relax.
2. With arms stretched out at shoulder level, bend from waist, making first, the right hand touch left toe, then left hand touch right toe.

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